Advanced Web Scraping

STAT 220


Scrape table

bow(url = "") 
<polite session>
    User-agent: polite R package
    robots.txt: 4 rules are defined for 1 bots
   Crawl delay: 5 sec
  The path is scrapable for this user-agent

Click here to take a look at the webpage

Scrape table

bow(url = "") %>%
<html lang="en">
[1] <head>\n<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8 ...
[2] <body>\n<div id="root">\n<div class="MuiContainer-root MuiContainer-disab ...

Click here to take a look at the webpage

Scrape table

bow(url = "") %>%
  scrape() %>% 
  html_elements(css = "table")
{xml_nodeset (1)}
[1] <table class="MuiTable-root jss228" aria-label="sortable data table" aria ...

Click here to take a look at the webpage

Scrape table

bow(url = "") %>%
  scrape() %>% 
  html_elements(css = "table") %>% 
# A tibble: 51 × 4
   State      % of population with…¹ `% fully vaccinated` % with booster or ad…²
   <chr>      <chr>                  <chr>                <chr>                 
 1 Alabama    64.3%                  52.5%                20.1%                 
 2 Alaska     72%                    64.4%                30.8%                 
 3 Arizona    76.4%                  63.8%                29.4%                 
 4 Arkansas   68.8%                  56.1%                24%                   
 5 California 85.2%                  74.2%                41.5%                 
 6 Colorado   82.2%                  72.4%                40.5%                 
 7 Connectic… >95%*                  81.8%                44.3%                 
 8 Delaware   86.3%                  71.8%                35.4%                 
 9 District … >95%*                  82.1%                37.9%                 
10 Florida    81.4%                  68.6%                29.4%                 
# ℹ 41 more rows
# ℹ abbreviated names: ¹​`% of population with at least one dose`,
#   ²​`% with booster or additional dose`

Click here to take a look at the webpage

Scrape table

bow(url = "") %>%
  scrape() %>% 
  html_elements(css = "table") %>% 
  html_table() %>% 
# A tibble: 51 × 4
   State      % of population with…¹ `% fully vaccinated` % with booster or ad…²
   <chr>      <chr>                  <chr>                <chr>                 
 1 Alabama    64.3%                  52.5%                20.1%                 
 2 Alaska     72%                    64.4%                30.8%                 
 3 Arizona    76.4%                  63.8%                29.4%                 
 4 Arkansas   68.8%                  56.1%                24%                   
 5 California 85.2%                  74.2%                41.5%                 
 6 Colorado   82.2%                  72.4%                40.5%                 
 7 Connectic… >95%*                  81.8%                44.3%                 
 8 Delaware   86.3%                  71.8%                35.4%                 
 9 District … >95%*                  82.1%                37.9%                 
10 Florida    81.4%                  68.6%                29.4%                 
# ℹ 41 more rows
# ℹ abbreviated names: ¹​`% of population with at least one dose`,
#   ²​`% with booster or additional dose`

Click here to take a look at the webpage

Scraping multiple tables

all_url <- ""

Click here to take a look at the webpage

Scraping multiple tables

all_url <- ""
idx <- seq(0, 1050, by = 25)

Click here to take a look at the webpage

Scraping multiple tables

all_url <- ""
idx <- seq(0, 1050, by = 25)
<html data-color-theme="light" id="atomic" class="NoJs desktop" lang="en-US">
[1] <head prefix="og:">\n<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" c ...
[2] <body>\n<div id="app"><div class="fin-neo neo-green " data-reactroot="">< ...

Click here to take a look at the webpage

Scraping multiple tables

all_url <- ""
idx <- seq(0, 1050, by = 25)
read_html(str_glue("{all_url}{idx[1]}")) %>% 
# A tibble: 25 × 10
   Symbol Name   `Price (Intraday)` Change `% Change` Volume `Avg Vol (3 month)`
   <chr>  <chr>               <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>      <chr>  <chr>              
 1 TDS    Telep…              19.7    4.38 +28.63%    9.41M  1.156M             
 2 SITM   SiTim…             124.    27.4  +28.29%    840,9… 235,838            
 3 USM    Unite…              46.0    9.96 +27.67%    2.295M 272,445            
 4 ZLAB   Zai L…              21.0    4.44 +26.80%    3.667M 651,411            
 5 ARHS   Arhau…              15.5    2.28 +17.25%    2.718M 1.258M             
 6 DJTWW  Trump…              22.3    2.86 +14.70%    333,1… 408,140            
 7 PLTK   Playt…               8.87   1.12 +14.45%    2.701M 1.102M             
 8 APP    AppLo…              84.7   10.7  +14.45%    15.11… 4.611M             
 9 UPST   Upsta…              26.2    3.06 +13.24%    10.21… 5.638M             
10 GME    GameS…              18.0    2.09 +13.13%    24.82… 6.537M             
# ℹ 15 more rows
# ℹ 3 more variables: `Market Cap` <chr>, `PE Ratio (TTM)` <chr>,
#   `52 Week Range` <lgl>

Click here to take a look at the webpage

Scraping multiple tables

all_url <- ""
idx <- seq(0, 1050, by = 25)
read_html(str_glue("{all_url}{idx[1]}")) %>% 
  html_table() %>% 
# A tibble: 25 × 10
   Symbol Name   `Price (Intraday)` Change `% Change` Volume `Avg Vol (3 month)`
   <chr>  <chr>               <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>      <chr>  <chr>              
 1 TDS    Telep…              19.7    4.38 +28.63%    9.41M  1.156M             
 2 SITM   SiTim…             124.    27.4  +28.29%    840,9… 235,838            
 3 USM    Unite…              46.0    9.96 +27.67%    2.295M 272,445            
 4 ZLAB   Zai L…              21.0    4.44 +26.80%    3.667M 651,411            
 5 ARHS   Arhau…              15.5    2.28 +17.25%    2.718M 1.258M             
 6 DJTWW  Trump…              22.3    2.86 +14.70%    333,1… 408,140            
 7 PLTK   Playt…               8.87   1.12 +14.45%    2.701M 1.102M             
 8 APP    AppLo…              84.7   10.7  +14.45%    15.11… 4.611M             
 9 UPST   Upsta…              26.2    3.06 +13.24%    10.21… 5.638M             
10 GME    GameS…              18.0    2.09 +13.13%    24.82… 6.537M             
# ℹ 15 more rows
# ℹ 3 more variables: `Market Cap` <chr>, `PE Ratio (TTM)` <chr>,
#   `52 Week Range` <lgl>

Click here to take a look at the webpage

Scraping multiple tables

all_url <- ""
idx <- seq(0, 1050, by = 25)
read_html(str_glue("{all_url}{idx[1]}")) %>% 
  html_table() %>% 
  purrr::pluck(1) %>% 
# A tibble: 25 × 10
   symbol name       price_intraday change percent_change volume avg_vol_3_month
   <chr>  <chr>               <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>          <chr>  <chr>          
 1 TDS    Telephone…          19.7    4.38 +28.63%        9.41M  1.156M         
 2 SITM   SiTime Co…         124.    27.4  +28.29%        840,9… 235,838        
 3 USM    United St…          46.0    9.96 +27.67%        2.295M 272,445        
 4 ZLAB   Zai Lab L…          21.0    4.44 +26.80%        3.667M 651,411        
 5 ARHS   Arhaus, I…          15.5    2.28 +17.25%        2.718M 1.258M         
 6 DJTWW  Trump Med…          22.3    2.86 +14.70%        333,1… 408,140        
 7 PLTK   Playtika …           8.87   1.12 +14.45%        2.701M 1.102M         
 8 APP    AppLovin …          84.7   10.7  +14.45%        15.11… 4.611M         
 9 UPST   Upstart H…          26.2    3.06 +13.24%        10.21… 5.638M         
10 GME    GameStop …          18.0    2.09 +13.13%        24.82… 6.537M         
# ℹ 15 more rows
# ℹ 3 more variables: market_cap <chr>, pe_ratio_ttm <chr>,
#   x52_week_range <lgl>

Click here to take a look at the webpage

Scraping multiple tables

all_url <- ""
idx <- seq(0, 1050, by = 25)
read_html(str_glue("{all_url}{idx[1]}")) %>% 
  html_table() %>% 
  purrr::pluck(1) %>% 
  janitor::clean_names() %>% 
  mutate(across(everything(), as.character)) # for consistent data joins
# A tibble: 25 × 10
   symbol name       price_intraday change percent_change volume avg_vol_3_month
   <chr>  <chr>      <chr>          <chr>  <chr>          <chr>  <chr>          
 1 TDS    Telephone… 19.68          4.38   +28.63%        9.41M  1.156M         
 2 SITM   SiTime Co… 124.34         27.42  +28.29%        840,9… 235,838        
 3 USM    United St… 45.95          9.96   +27.67%        2.295M 272,445        
 4 ZLAB   Zai Lab L… 21.01          4.44   +26.80%        3.667M 651,411        
 5 ARHS   Arhaus, I… 15.5           2.28   +17.25%        2.718M 1.258M         
 6 DJTWW  Trump Med… 22.32          2.86   +14.70%        333,1… 408,140        
 7 PLTK   Playtika … 8.87           1.12   +14.45%        2.701M 1.102M         
 8 APP    AppLovin … 84.69          10.69  +14.45%        15.11… 4.611M         
 9 UPST   Upstart H… 26.17          3.06   +13.24%        10.21… 5.638M         
10 GME    GameStop … 18.01          2.09   +13.13%        24.82… 6.537M         
# ℹ 15 more rows
# ℹ 3 more variables: market_cap <chr>, pe_ratio_ttm <chr>,
#   x52_week_range <chr>

Click here to take a look at the webpage

all_url <- ""
idx <- seq(0, 1050, by = 25)

my_df <- map_df(idx, ~ {
  new_webpage <- read_html(str_glue("{all_url}{.x}")) 
  table_new <- html_table(new_webpage)[[1]] %>%
    janitor::clean_names() %>% 
    mutate(across(everything(), as.character))

 Group Activity 1

  • Please clone the ca17-yourusername repository from Github
  • Please do the problem 1 in the class activity for today


{width = “80%}

Scrape, Tidy, and Visualize

df_movies %>% 
  ID = row_number(), 
  ProductionBudget = parse_number(ProductionBudget),
  DomesticGross = parse_number(DomesticGross),
  WorldwideGross = parse_number(WorldwideGross),
  ReleaseDate = mdy(ReleaseDate),
  MonthOfRelease = month(ReleaseDate, label = TRUE, abbr = TRUE),
  YearOfRelease = year(ReleaseDate)
) %>%
replace_na(list(ReleaseDate = make_date(year = 1900))) %>%
  group_by(MonthOfRelease) %>%
  summarize(AverageByMonth = mean(DomesticGross, na.rm = TRUE)) -> 

fig <- df_DomesticGross_month %>% 
  plot_ly(labels = ~MonthOfRelease, values = ~AverageByMonth)
fig <- fig %>% add_pie(hole = 0.6)
fig <- fig %>% layout(title = "Average Domestic Gross by Month",  
                      showlegend = F,
                      xaxis = list(showgrid = FALSE, 
                                   zeroline = FALSE, 
                                   showticklabels = FALSE),
                      yaxis = list(showgrid = FALSE, 
                                   zeroline = FALSE, 
                                   showticklabels = FALSE))


DT: Interactive Data Tables

movies %>% select(1:6) %>% tidyr::drop_na(budget) %>% 
  filter(rating > 8, votes > 1000) %>% 
  datatable(fillContainer = FALSE,  options = list(pageLength = 6, scrollY = '400px'))