Shiny Reactivity and App Deployment

STAT 220


Shiny Reactivity: A Quick Tour

Learn more about Shiny reactivity

Shiny Reactivity: Listen and React

  • Think of Shiny as a live conversation between you and your app.
  • Your app listens (reacts) to what you say (input) and responds with answers (output).
  • It keeps the chat going, updating automatically as the conversation evolves.

Understanding reactivity in R

Behind the Scenes: Reactive Expressions

“Reactive expressions link your questions to the app’s answers.”

  • They’re like the app’s thought process, taking your input and figuring out the output.
  • They’re smart: only recalculating when needed to keep everything running smoothly.

Real-World Magic: Reactive Use Cases

  • Imagine your app fetching data just as you ask for it:
    • Choosing a file? It reads it on-the-spot.
    • Curious about data from a website? It grabs it for you.
    • Need to crunch some numbers based on your choices? It does the math instantly.

Sharing Secrets: Reactive Values

  • Reactive values are the app’s memory, holding onto data for quick recall.
  • Think of input$ as the app’s ear, always listening for your next request.

actionButton(): The Magic Button in Shiny

“🖱️ A button that lets users decide when to make things happen.

How actionButton() Empowers Your App

  • What it does: Adds a clickable button to your app’s page.
  • User Power: Lets people run actions (like calculations or data display) on their command.
  • Pair with Magic: Works best with eventReactive(), waiting for the click to spring into action.

Understanding eventReactive() in Shiny

  • eventReactive() lets a Shiny app react only when you want.
  • Trigger updates with specific actions, like clicking a button.
  • Reduces work by updating calculations only when needed.

reactiveValues(): Your App’s Memory

“Think of reactiveValues() as a way for your app to remember and update things.”

  • Memory Bank: Stores and updates information your app needs to remember.
  • Flexibility: Change one piece of info without affecting the rest.
  • Teamwork: Shares data between different parts of your app seamlessly.

Observe in Shiny

  • Reactive Context: observe() automatically re-executes in a reactive context when dependencies change, crucial for side effects and UI updates.

  • No Return Value: observe() performs actions without returning values, differing from reactive() which computes and returns data.

  • Use Cases: Used for updating reactive states and UI based on input changes, without producing outputs.

Observe in Shiny

  • Reactive Context: observe() automatically re-executes in a reactive context when dependencies change, crucial for side effects and UI updates.

  • No Return Value: observe() performs actions without returning values, differing from reactive() which computes and returns data.

  • Use Cases: Used for updating reactive states and UI based on input changes, without producing outputs.

observeEvent(): The Watchful Eye in Shiny

observeEvent() watches for specific actions, like button clicks, to do something special.”

  • Action Detector: Springs into action when it detects its specified trigger (like a button press).
  • Doer of Tasks: Executes code to make changes or updates, without needing to return any value.
  • Perfect Pair: Works hand-in-hand with actionButton() for on-demand actions.

isolate(): Pausing Reactivity in Shiny

“Use isolate() to freeze time in your app, preventing automatic updates.”

  • Control Freak: Lets you hold back reactions, giving you control over when updates happen.
  • Stealth Mode: Use inputs quietly without alerting the rest of your app to change.
  • Strategic Updates: Perfect for when you need to fetch or use data on your own terms, not automatically.

 Group Activity 1

  • Please clone the ca19-yourusername repository from Github
  • For the remainder of time, let’s practice building a simple Shiny app and deploy it to
  • Go to, create a new account, and authenticate RStudio to connect with the web server by following the provided steps.
